Each video shot at Your Angle Studios is developed and tailored in a way which illustrates and delivers visuals of the highest quality. This video demonstrates how we connect the viewers to the on screen experience. 

An example of this is demonstrated from the opening scene via symbolism. The corridor/ computer lights are switched on to symbolise the beginning of the procedure and achieve a cinematic beginning. 

In order to accomplish a cinematic end product, the shots must mirror the envisioned product. This video demonstrates the intelligent and non generic angles obtained throughout the production. 

When executing our videos, we find and implement the correct gradient tones which compliment the overarching production. 


Shot Types.

Our favoured shots encompass a variety of angles which add to video’s the interpretation. 

By producing non generic shots, it allows us to effetely achieve our envisioned post production. Capturing an array of diverse shots allows for a more fruitful and post production process with limitless creative potential. The videos below demonstrate how we can achieve unique angles and display them through smart scene rotation in alignment with the music.


Interviews & Titles

To explain a story in its entirety, sometimes the viewer requires an interview, voiceover or subtitles to understand it. Ensuring these elements are subtly and seamlessly intertwined with the visuals, are key to achieving added depth. The video below incorporates this post production aspect of how viewers can progressively follow along a story.