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Shoot Itinerary


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YOUR ANGLE is collaborating with Point Zero for a creative shoot to teaser their upcoming Gym Opening. Point Zero is a weights focussed, group, personal training gym. It is a holistic experience designed to encourage members to live a healthy lifestyle and achieve their goals in an upmarket setting, currently unrivalled in the WA fitness market, with other likeminded, hardworking individuals. They foster a strong community spirit and encourage member interaction both inside and out of the studio.

Location 1

Location Name


Address: 312 Stirling Hwy, Claremont WA 6010

About: Displaying core elements and characteristics of Point Zero through contemporary pieces and people. Displaying a range of shots of individuals with the Mobilia pieces to hint the interior fit out and vibe found within the Point Zero gym.

+ Shoot One

  • Time: 11am

  • Clothing: All Beige Gym Wear Fit

+ Shoot Two

  • Time: 11:45am

  • Clothing: All Khaki Gym Wear Fit

+ Shoot Three

  • Time: 12:30am

  • Clothing: All Black/white Gym Wear Fit