

This document is to aid you in times where you are feeling less creative or not quite sure what content you want to shoot on that specific day! The days we have reels for you to shoot we will send you specific shot lists. This document is for everyday type of stories. Feel free to not stick to this shot list entirely and send other types of videos you like!

Basic Shots.

The classic Opening of the door.

Really great to use in the morning! It can be opened to any of the girls smiling and waving. Or it can be opened to a very busy looking salon! These are also great additions to reels. 


The Smile and Wave.

This one is fun and casual. Great for stories or reels. You could get different videos of each of the girls smiling and waving, or clients doing the same thing.  


Walking into Frame Shot.

This one again, is great for reels or stories! Any of the girls can do this shot, its quick when we are busy and still looks great in reels.


The look back shot.

This one is cute and fun, shows of the hair and great for reels or stories


The Classic Shot.

You can't go wrong with this one! You can either shoot still or with a bit of slow camera movement to give it motion. In this particular video, Mel lifts hr eyes from low to high, which we really like! You can shoot this one from left to right, front on or up to down.


Basin Shot.

This shot is basic but perfect for stories. It can either be shot still or with a bit of movement like in this example video. Try both ways for a bit of variety. 


The Classic Smile Shot.

This again, is nice for stories. It shows a bit of personality. This can be shot close up, or at a medium distance. It can also be shot still or with a bit of movement, but again, try shoot it in 2 different ways to give more options.  



The Click Transition.

We love this transition! Amazing for stories and it is engaging for our audience! 


The Hand Over the Camera Transition.

So we could use this type of shot in different ways. In this chosen example it is a video of all the girls, so we could use this as a video on the story in the morning and transition it to the girls doing a clients hair. 

Or it could just be one of the girls, and we use it for a transition for a reel. 

You could also use this type of shot with a product. For example, we could do a story of products of the week, using this kind of transition. 


The Swipe Transition.

So this one is super fun! It keeps the stories light hearted and interesting. We could use this at any time of the day and the editors can make a fun reel with this sort of content. You could do this with the girls or clients who we are making reels with.